In 1999, a couple of Shawns (because of course they were Shawns) came up with a peer-to-peer software called Napster. It was a way that two consenting parties could share files through an internet connection. It was a ground breaking idea. Immediately it became the go to source for uploading and downloading .MP3 versions of songs.
With no cost to upload and no cost to download it was the equivalent of a CD Xerox machine. The software was marketed as being the same as digitally loaning music to a friend. The issue was simple when you think through the ramifications, though. Why would anyone buy an artist’s CD when you can simply download the songs through Napster for free?
It is an age old question that has been stated like this: Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? To which any sane person would say, “Yeah! Why would I?” If I can enjoy all the benefits of the cow without any of cost of buying or owning the cow… what would compel me to purchase the cow?
We have seen this proverbial question play out right before our eyes. Why get married when you can have sex without attachment? Why get married when you can live together without a contract? Why get married when you can have children and raise them as cohabitating adults?
Eventually Napster got sued. You see, when you take the product of someone else’s work and distribute it to others without cost… it’s called theft (someone ought to let the government know). As a Christian, I can say Napster was wrong because God’s word tells me, “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20.15). As a Christian, I can equally say “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” (Hebrews 13.4). God, who created the universe and sustains all things by His powerful word (Hebrews 1.3), instituted marriage (Genesis 2.24, Matthew 19.4-6) and set the perimeters for when sex is acceptable.
I was guilty of downloading dozens (maybe hundreds) of songs through Napster. I took full advantage of the service at a time when my cognitive dissonance allowed me to suspend what I knew was right for what I wanted to enjoy. I imagine the situation surrounding premarital sex and cohabitation is much the same for many people. They suspend what they know morally for what the they want in the moment. I guess the question we all need to ask (in every situation) is, “Do I believe the Bible is the God-breathed revelation of His nature and will?” If the answer is ‘yes,’ has God spoken on the situation in question? If God has spoken, will I submit to His will and word as the ultimate authority in my life?
The good news of the gospel is that there is forgiveness available for both the thief and the fornicator. Jesus came and lived the pure life of obedience we don’t, and paying the price for our sins, gave himself as the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus died to make a sinner a saint by grace through faith in Him. He rose triumphant over death in resurrection to empower the believer in their battle against sin. So, turn to Jesus. Flee from sin. And in all things, give Him the glory.